
EDISCA is a non-governmental non-profit organization that since 1991 has been promoting the development of children, adolescents and young people who are in circumstances of social vulnerability, through an interdimensional education centered on Art.

Through its work with the most vulnerable, EDISCA became a tutoring center for cultural agents and creator of dance performances that accredited it to receive in 2012 the Order of Cultural Merit, the highest commendation of Culture in Brazil, granted by the Federal Government. However, the work developed by EDISCA goes beyond artistic training. The programs and actions developed, whose methodologies are institutionalized, cover the educational, gender equity and health areas. With the Strengthening of Formal Education Program, a project recognized by the Bank of Social Technologies of Banco do Brasil, involving collaboration between public and private schools and training for teachers from the education network. The Life is Female project, focused on empowering mothers of students through citizenship , professional and income generation training, honored in 2012 with the MDG Award (Millennium Development Goals), granted by the President of Brazil; and the health activities, which involves curative and, mainly, preventive actions, articulated with a psychology sector that develops educational activities for citizenship and access to basic rights.



EDISCA – Development and Social Integration School for Children and Teenagers
